Monday, January 4, 2010

Jamestown Story - Forgotten lyrics

There was a time, when all was perfect, no worries, but now that’s blurry.
We had something, that no one had, but it’s all gone now, ain’t that so sad.
He came along, took you away, he opened his arms wide, there you stayed.
You smiled, and waved goodbye, and for the last time, I looked in your eyes…
Love can fade, can break away, can be forgotten, but not replaced.
You might lose hope, you might lose faith, but don’t throw it all away, cause your afraid…

Now all I ask, is for him to care, for him to treat you, like I were always there.
But please don’t love him, come back to me, I’m begging you, I’m on my knees.
Please don’t forget, all the times we spent, and all the places, we saw and went.
You were so happy, what did I do wrong, was I not good enough, all along…

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Woah, it's Andrew!

30 Desember 2009 ketemu Andrew! Don't know who he is? Well, check him out on YouTube ->, gue awalnya tau Andrew dari della, della udah suka yg gilaaa bgt sm Andrew haha.

"Alright, I'll do it. Since I'm gonna be in Indonesia for winter break, i can mail out stuff from there, and it'd be pretty cool. Sound good?"

Awal desember, pagi-pagi mau berangkat sekolah ngeliat @Woahitsandrew ngetweet itu. Gue lgsg WOW bgt ngeliatnya, pgn langsung ngasih tau della di sekolah. Trs udah di sekolah gue lupa. Ternyata vina ngeliat andrew ngetweet itu juga, della ga percaya. Trs tbtb gue ditanya "yakan bel?" "hah? apa?" "andrew mau ke indonesia?" "oh iyaaa gua baru mau ngasih tau lu" della udah gila deh hahaha.

Nah, tgl 29 andrew terbang ke Jakarta abis dari Surabaya. Jd lgsg heboh ngerencanain sm della mau ketemu andrew, trs ngetweet Andrew...

@Woahitsandrew one question, where will you go tomorrow in Jakarta? Tell me pleaseee or DM me please please


@dellaardelia @bellau uh i think we're going to one of the really big malls in jakarta, it's probably in the afternoon. grand indonesia?

reply lagi...

@Woahitsandrew alright, hope we can meet you there! See ya :)


@bellau i think i'll update it throughout the day though, if you're really that interested :P

Ngerti ga? Jadi dia mau ngupdate twitternya trs biar bisa ketemu kita :) baik bgt yaaa.
Yaudah kita heboh mau ke Grand Indonesia hahaha, tp tbtb bgt pas hari H, Andrew ngetweet...

oh hi im going to pacific place

Nyebelin kan ga konsisten bgt kemaren blg GI skrg PP ~_~ tp tetep baik sih, dia ngetweet dia lagi di restoran mana, biar ttp bisa ketemu haha.

Sekitar jam 4, parkir di basement Pacific Place. Turun dari mobil, naik eskalator, jalan dikit.... super dikit bgt, gue lgsg liat gerombolan cina gt di pameran foto... demi Allah gue liat orang, sepatunya kaya model vans gt, ga keliatan mukanya!!! Cm kaki -_- tp gue gatau knp udah berasa itu Andrew, soalnya di gerombolan orang cina gt. Trs ngelewatin kan sm della, ada bapak-bapak cina lg tlfn, gue liatin, pas gue liat belakangnya....ITU ANDREW! lgsg ngasih tau della, della panik trs tlfn dinda, gatau deh dia ngmg apa sama dinda udah heboh panik bgt gt hahahaha, dinda jg di PP soalnya udah janjian mau temenin ketemu Andrew juga. woah pokonya waktu itu semua panik hahaha. trs tbtb kaka gue blg (dia nganter ke PP hehehe) "De, itu dia udah pergi loh!"

wuh lgsg ngejar, eh dia udah ga keliatan! kaka gue "belok kiri, eskalator!" langsung, della beku, freeze, wakakaka takut ketinggalan, gue lgsg lari turun pdhl di eskalator, trs Andrew baru ngangkat kaki mau turun dr eskalator....

B: Andrew!!!
A: Yea...yes?
B: Oh hi, hmmm *tangan minta foto kaya ckrek gt* May I take a picture with you?

Udah nih turun dari eskalator, ngobrol di depan lift.

A: Do you follow me on twitter or what?
B: Yeah haha
A: Whats your name?
B: Bella :)
A: OH so you're the one I've talked to on twitter, right?
A: Nice to meet you bella
B: Nice to meet you too

Della udah freeze bgt itu ga bisa ngomong udah speechless bgt hahaha. trs dia ngeluarin kamera,
A: Nice kamera, what type is it?
D: Hmmmm *nunjuk 1000D*
A: Ohhh nice

Kaka gue baru turun dari eskalator, gue kenalin aja -_-
B: Oh I'm with my sister
A: Hiii
L: hi

trs lgsg minta fotoin sm kaka gue, trs dia gaptek ga ngerti slr hahaha. trs dikasih tau sama della, Andrew bilang... "What's going on?" trs udah deh kaka gue udah ngerti, udah mau foto...

A: Oh do you want me to put this away? (tas nya, biar fotonya bagus gt ga bawa tas, baik yaa)
B: Yeah thanks

trs abis foto, dia bilangin kita biar pindah dari situ, jgn ngalangin orang yg dari eskalator. :)

Kakak gue bego...udah tau bule ditanyain,
L: Abis ini mau kemana?
A: Uhhh sorry I can't speak well
B: Hm where will you go after this?
A: Well I don't even know where I'm going

trs kaka gue nanyain ke sodaranya, yg lagi ngeliatin.
L: Mau kemana abis ini?
S: Plaza Senayan)@$!OWRUQLFJ
B: Ohhh Plaza Senayan? :)

Gue baru banget mau bilang "May I hug you?" udah mmm gt tp Andrew tiba-tiba "Cmon, cmon" tangan terbuka buat dipeluk gt wuoah masa ditolak hoho lgsg peluk deh :)

trs Andrew udah mau pergi, gue bilang "Thanks a lot andrew! :)" sambil jabat tagan gt hehe.

BYEEEE~ Udah deh, abis itu gila della heboh tlpn nadira, anggit, banyak deh hahaha sampe berbusa :pp trs kita tadinya mau nyusul ke ps tapi ga ketemu, eh ternyata besoknya pas tisha liat foto andrew, dia liat andrew di sency jam 4an ~_~ which mean dia ga ke ps! Hahaha trs yaudah deh abis itu kita jadinya makan ke sushi tei di ps & nonton Alvin&chipmunks 2! Pacarnya kaka gue dateng nemenin kaka gue nntn Avatar :) oh iyaaaa trs pas makan di sushi tei, della pas sushinya masuk di keluarin lg gt wkwkwk gpp ya first one is the worst one :p


Check out della's story too, I meet woahitsAndrew.

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