Saturday, August 29, 2009

Moments (another AAR videos-_-)

This is my favourite

and this is the worst moment argh

AAR, 17 August 2009.

hmmm emang udah 12 hari yg lalu sih, tapi baru mau cerita sekarang. hehe abis kemaren rada males gt, sekarang baru semangat mau cerita -_-

jadi sekitar jam 2an gw berangkat sama della, tisha, kak tasya. trs pas nyampe sana, ada dea sama kak ami dan sodaranya. trs nungguiiiiiin gt lama bgt disana, tbtb ada omnya sodaranya dea trs jadinya mereka bertiga diajakin masuk gt soalnya omnya crew atau apaaa gt deh. trs kita berempat akhirnya. pada tega ya semua udah masuk duluan kita diluar huhuhu ajak2 kek -_-. si dinda juga udah di dalem huh. trs kita tanya2in mulu sama yg jaganya, dibuka jam brp gt, trs dijawab katanya jam 4, yaudah kita duduk lagi. udah sampe jam 4, kita samperin lagi penjaganya trs katanya jam 5, udah jam 5 trs MALAH JAM 7, udah sampe jam 7 lamaaaaaaaa bgt blm dibuka2 juga. HU payah starmild ngaret!

trs yaudah pas sampe akhirnya gate mau dibuka, kita udah ancang2 gt siap siap LARI. pas masuk, udah dibuka, semua lgsg pd lariiiiiiiii, trs tbtb ada cek tas segala, dan tas gw lupa blm dibuka, trs ribet gt bukanya dan udah ditinggal tp gessa masih "AYO BELLA BELLA CEPETAAAAN!" sambil lari lari gt ahhahaha. trs pas udah selesai di cek tasnya langsung lari sekencang angin hauahauha ngakak bener deh ini-_- oh iya lupa blg ya gessa nyusul dateng sekitar jam 5an gt. trs pas udah didalem akhirnya, blm di dalemnya sih, msh diluar tp udah masuk ke daerah dalem, gimana ya bahasanya-_- gitulah. trs pas udah disitu juga masih sejam lebih nunggu lagi. HAH! tp si della lawak gt wekekek. kan di depannya della katanya alay gt bawa2 bedak. kan pas disitu ada cek tas lagi, trs pas dibuka della ngintip gt isi tasnya apaan, trs dia liat ada bedak, si della mlh ketawa2 gt hahaha gilaaaaaaa bgt. trs della bisik2 ke gw terus gw ketawa, trs bisik2 ke gessa, TAPI DI DEKET KUPINGNYA SI ORANG BAWA BEDAK HAHAHA GEBLEK YA LU DEL. trs kan si gessa yg "apa? apa?" trs ternyata si orang depan yg bawa bedak ini denger, ya iyalah orang della bisik2 nya sekenceng apa tau dan di deket kupingnya si orang yg bawa bedak-_- trs dia nengok ke gessa dan blg "ini aku bawa bedak" HAHAH jahaaaaaat bgt lu del bener. pdhl orangnya baik loh, kan dia beli minum, trs dia nawarin kita gt mau gak mau gak gt padahal kita jahat ngetawain dia. eh KITA? della kali.

trs yaudah akhirnya masuk, tp msh meriksa tiket dulu gt hah fuck lama abis. trs ribut ribut gt pada rebutan, trs yg penjaga nya marah2-_- trs akhirnya ya pas udah diperiksa kita langsung lari lagi, berusaha dapet paling depan, dan ketemu dinda. akhirnya ga paling depan, tp kedua dari depan gt ya lumayan lah. trs udah di dalem juga msh lama gt. trs tiba2 ada ibu2 gt keluar, trs minta kita nyanyi Indonesia Raya, good, berarti udah mau mulai nih. trs semuaaaaa pada nyanyi. dan di tengah2 nyanyi, tiba tiba...............TYSON KELUAR BAWA BENDERA MERAH PUTIH AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! gila bgtbgtbgt, dan dia pake baju merah, ada tulisannya "WE ARE NOT AFRAID!". ini videonya: (kalo liat orang bawa karton kuning ada tulisannya, di barisan depan, sekitar detik ke 0:30 di video ini. yaa kira2 gw dibelakang orang itu)

trs udah gt tyson masuk lagi dan taunya msh lama juga-_- tp bersabar dan gak lama kemudian mereka keluar wuhuuuuuuu, first song: Dirty Little Secret. tp rusuh nih belakang gw della dinda, orang gilaaaa bgt dorong2 loncat2 angkat ketek bau HU! trs della, taukan della segalak apa-_- langsung neriakin orang2 itu, tp orang2 gila ini lebih gila daripada della, della kalah, bayangin gak orang lebih gila dibanding della? -_- trs gw denger suara cowo entah dari mana gt dan seneng deh dengernya ada orang baik "EH JANGAN DORONG CEWE DONG!"

trs akhirnya gw ga kuat sama orang2 gila itu, akhirnya gw ngejauh dari mereka, ya yang artinya misah dari della dinda, trs jadinya gw di belakang gessa. ga ada orang gila sih, tp banyak cewe bule yg teriakannya kaya apa tau, bikin kuping ngiiiiiing gt hih. tp mending deh daripada orang gila itu.

skip skip skip, abis lagu apaaaa gt, tyson ternyata nulis speech buat Indonesia, yg lagi gempar gara2 teroris, baiiiiiik bgt ya :') teks dan videonya bisa diliat di 2 post gw sebelum ini.

udah gt dia nyanyi Gives You Hell, trs abis nyanyi itu dia ngelempar2in sisa pick, sama ngelemparin kertas2 gt. gw ga tau itu kertas apa, tp ya mau lah kalo dari tyson!!!! trs udah dilempar semua sampe abis, gw ga dapeeeeet apa apa huhu sedih ya :( eh tp pas tyson masuk dan crew2nya udah pada beres2in, kan msh pada berdiri gt yg nntn, gw liat ada kertas putih, gw penasaran, tp ga gw ambil. gw ngintip2 tulisannya "AAR 08/17/09 Jakarta, Indonesia blablabla Dirty Little Secret, Swing Swing, blablabla" gt tapi gak gw ambil, kirain itu kertas biasa. yaudah akhirnya balik kan, ketemu lagi sama tisha yg kepisah-_- trs ternyata kak tasya sama gessa dapet gt kertas yg dikasih tyson. trs aku liat isinya apa, kirain copy-an teks speechnya tyson, TERNYATA......isinya......"AAR 08/17/09 Jakarta, Indonesia blablabla Dirty Little Secret, Swing Swing, blablabla". gw diem bentar inget inget, AH SHIT ITU KERTAS YG DIINJEK ORANG TADI!!!!! trs gw langsung lari balik lagi ke tempat tadi gw berdiri. dan uuuuu so sad ternyata udah disapu :'( huhuhuu nyesel bgt ga ngambil itu. ohya trs ada fotografer majalah gt pgn foto kita sama kertas itu dan poster yg tadi pada meet and greet. hahaha dan kita masuk majalah! :p majalah apa gt deh lupa edisi apa pun ga tau-_-

trs yaudah akhirnya pulang, eh gak pulang, sebelum pulang kita ke Ritz Carlton dulu, tp bukan yg di kuningan. trs kita nungguiiiiiiiin gt padahal orangnya udah blg AAR gak ada disini tp kita ngotot gt wakakakak. trs udah lama akhirnya kita pulang. dan besoknya pas sekolah, dpt informasi ternyata......kita salah hotel, mereka nginep di Ritz yg di kuningan, yg di bom. HAHAHA

here's some pict (from tisha's):

Rejects TV (part 2)

finally I found the video when Tyson talked about the concert at Jakarta ;)

The show I've ever played tonight was tonight. Oh wait, the greatest show I've ever played in this real life --- was tonight for me, because it was bigger than a show, it was a the independence day, Merdeka! that's what it called. Where in 1949, the a Indonesian people --- the Independence from the Dutch, and it was a very special night being The All-American Rejects the first rock band back to Jakarta after the bombings. Fearless? Yes. I gave a speech in the very end of the concert, that was the most heartfull thing i've ever done. And um, overwhelmed with the crowd, and I have to say that, becouse it was dangerous my speech, my speech was dangerous, I called that against the terrorism. There's a lot of people that still you know, --- over here so I try to give them as much the heartfill message as possible, so --- because it was the most --- experience in my life, completely overwhelmed and I just wanna tell you guys that I'm happy tonight, I am really fuckin' happy.

So, be well, tell somebody inspiring tonight, or today, or whatever time it is, oh it's 9:49, so good morning, eat some breakfast, then go get somebody a big hug, that you don't even know, just for fun. ---, can I give you a big hug? Cause you need eight hug today to be happy. Alright that ---, so rock and roll, given all you got everybody, cause this world is ---, but we can all ---. So, be good, and I'm too wasted it to continue, so p-p-p-party!

Heeeeey listening is fun. BYE!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rejects TV

tadi abis nntn Rejects TV dan itu seru bgt loh, nntn yg dari tgl 16 sampe 17 Agustus. hmmm kl ga salah, ada 4 video ttg Indonesia.

Well this one is when Tyson finally arrived at Ritz Carlton.

and this one is about Indonesia weird fruit, haha LOL.

gw udah nyari2 yg pas dia ngomongin ttg konser, dia blg "this is the greatest show i've ever played" gt wuhuuuu how cool we are! tp ga adaaaa di YouTube, yah jadi find it by yourself ya :p

ohya dan orang2 di sekolah pd ngomongin ini, jd tadi searching dan akhirnya dapet. uhhhh ini so sweet bgtbgtbgt, aku mau jadi Kim Smith! tapi sayang yaaaa mereka putus :(

that's it about AAR for todayyy, check out the cool Rejects TV,

oh ya Happy Fasting all! maafin ya kl gw ada salah atau apa :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AAR's Speech

People of Jakarta, we have something in common. I gotta talk to you about it. We are not afraid. I stand in front of you tonight a person who has refused to fear. Fear is the fuel for the weak. And are we weak? We are the strong few who wield our instruments and songs as ammunition to fight the good fight against the oppressors, the bastards that use bombs and terrorism to kill the innocent.

Tonight is special because we celebrate merdeka! Tonight we celebrate your independence and the earth-shaking power that is freedom! Do you feel alive? Do you feel free? Our freedoms are the only wings we have to fly above the fear, so tonight we soar together and sing our freedom into the sky. We are not afraid!

People advised us after the bombings to reconsider coming to Jakarta. People told us that we should be afraid. But this suggestion only added the backbone to our band to do something bigger than life. We are not afraid!

We played for you tonight not just as a band. Not just as a band, but as the collective voice of Jakarta that screams into the night: FUCK THE TERRORISTS! I hope this gives you hell!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Marshanda........In Action?

here's the vid, i know you guys are curious, heheehe lmao ;p

udah ah segitu aja. jadi, cari sensasi/sakit? dulu waktu gw kecil ngefans banget loh sama marshanda dari film bidadari wkwkw

*get well soon ya semua orang yg lagi sakit, doakan aku juga~ dan yg gak sakit ya jangan sakit! byeee

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Secondhand's lyrics

well, i haven't listen to them all yet, but i already read all of the lyrics and i reallyyyyyy love it <3

Half Alive
And I was trying to disappear,
But you got me wrapped around you
I can hardly breathe without you
I was trying to disappear
But I got lost in your eyes now,
You brought me down to size now.

Not a million fights
Could make me hate you
You're invincible
Yeah, It's true
It's in your eyes
Where I find peace

Slow down girl, you're not going anywhere
Just wait around and see
Maybe I am much more you never know what lies ahead
I promise I can be anyone, I can be anything
Just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed
I can be anyone, anything, I promise I can be what you need

Your Call
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And someday, I promise I'll be gone
And someday, I might even sing this song
To you, I might even sing this song, to you
And I was crying alone tonight
And I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you
So just come back we'll make it better
So Just come back I'll make it
Better than it ever was

It's Not Over
I lose myself in all these fights, I lose my sense of wrong and right. I cry, I cry. Shaking from the pain that's in my head. I just want to crawl into my bed and throw away the life I led. But I won't let it die. But I won't let it die.

I Hate This Song
Speak with your tongue tied,
I know that you're tired
But I just want to know,
Where you want to go,
I may be sad, But I'm not weak,
This situation is bleak
And your puffy eyes never lie,
Your tears come from inside.

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

Take Me With You
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there,
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you

Let It Roll

The Last Song Ever
And I saw the tears on your face I shot you down
And I slammed the door but couldn't make a sound
So please stay sweet my dear
Don't hate me now
I can't tell how this last song ends


Like A Knife
Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same.
These streets are filled with memories
Both perfect and in pain
And all I wanna do is love you
But I'm the only one to blame

Fall For You

Turn Around
Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection
I can't speak
I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

Tell me a secret (I want it)
Tell me a story (I need it)
I'll listen intensively
I'll stay awake all night
All of me is a whisper (So don't leave)
There's nothing left in me (Please help me)
Not even my body is strong enough to fight (Let's make this right)
Please help me make this right

A Twist In My Story
So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

A phrasing that's a single tear,
Is harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.

Stay Close, Don't Go
And don't you know,
My heart is pumping,
Oh, it's putting up the fight.
And I've got this feeling,
That everything's alright.
Don't you see?
I'm not the only one for you,
But you're the only one for me.

It's hard to be all alone
I never got through your disguise
I guess I'll just go, and face all my fear

I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
Cause everything we've been through
And everything about you
Seemed to be a lie
A guiltless twisted lie
It made me learn to hate you
Or hate myself for letting it pass by

Tested and True
I am lonely, please let me in
You're probably wondering what I was proving
Are you choosing?
Am I losing you tonight?
Is it over, over?

Last Time
And if you are alone
Make sure you're not lonely
Cause if you are, I blame myself
For never being home
I know I'm not the only one
Who will treat you like they should
What you deserve

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


tadi gw buka MySpace, penasaran message gw dibales atau ngga. sebenernya gw udah nulis ini di commentnya sih, tp gw yakin seyakin yakinnya, kalo comment itu jarang dibales. dan emg udah pengalaman sih kl comment ga pernah di bales -_- yaudah gw cek Mail kan. guess what i found!!!!

Thanks so much. I loved being there and will defintiely come back again soon (:


WOAAAAAA bener2 gila gila gila. ya walaupun dikit bgt sih tp gpp, yang penting dia baca, dia bales, dan yg bales itu langsung dari John, bukan manager. beneran loh ini sampe mau nangis saking senengnya. hauhuaha lebay sih tp gpp, yg penting aku seneng!!!

oh iya lupa bilang, messagenya itu isinya kayak post gw yg dibawah :P


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Love Letter

Aug 9, 2009 2:53 PM

hey John,
your performances was REALLY AMAZING!
i love the sounds of your guitar, your voice, ahhh everything!
i scream a lot for you haha
please come back to Jakarta as soon as possible ;)

what do you think about our country? did you like it? dont you hear about the terorism? i'm so glad that you still come here and not afraid about the terorism, but actually my country is 100% safe. so please come back here

i LOVE the song "A Twist In My Story"
that one is my favourite, but i love all of your songs, the lyrics is amazing. seems like you had a lot of experience of love haha

i'll be missing you -Bella

PLEASE reply


Nice to meet you too baby

Java Rockin'land

kemaren gw nntn java rockin'land dong sm dinda della nadira & kak alle ;)
tisha sama aya ga jadi gt huuuu payah nih gadeng hehe

gw ceritain dari paginya ya. jadi pas paginya itu dinda dateng ke rumah, trs abis itu della juga, nah trs kita bertiga main dulu gt baru jam 2 berangkat. nadira nyusul gt soalnya dia bantu2 masak dulu buat 17an.

masa kocak deh pas sblm jalan kan kita ke mcd dulu gt, della kan beli ice blue float sama mcflurry caramel itu kan, masa dia gak dikasih sendok gt jadinya makan mcflurry pake sedotan wakakak. trs tumpah2an gt ke bajunya kaya anak bayi abis lu dell wkwkwk

yaudah kan akhirnya kita nyampe di pantai karnaval ancol, trs lucu bgt deh ada festival layangan gt dan itu lucuuuu bgt layangannya. masa ada layangan sapi gt dan pas kita liat itu ngakak bgt soalnya kaya sapi terbang gt hahaha.

pas nyampe sana kita ketemu sama kak alle. trs dinda kan mau nntn the sigit dulu gt yaudah deh kita nntn itu, ga ngerti sih wkwk tp gpp lah lumayan. trs pas ditengah2 gt nadira tlfn gt dia udah nyampe jadinya dinda sm kak alle jemput dia di depan. dan nadira pun join the party :p

sekitar jam 6 gt kan ada /rif, trs kita duduuuuuk aja nungguin. biar pas /rif abis jam 7, kita langsung nyari tempat gt paling depan. yaudah kan ga dapet di depan soalnya udah bnyk orang duduk gt jadinya kita dipinggir, duduk2 gt nyanyi2 lagunya secondhand. masa ada orang check sound gt kan, tp ganteeeeng. trs dia ngecek2 gt kan masa dia aja disorakin soalnya ganteng hahaha. pas udah lumayan lama gt duduk tiba2 si john (secondhand serenade) keluar gt dadah dadah!!!! eh jadinya orang2 mlh pada berdiri-_- trs gw sama dinda langsung lari-lari gt ke tengah sblm orang2 berdiri semua dan jadi susah nyempil. eh taunya mlh kepisah, nadira sm kak alle, gw dinda sama della. gw dinda sama della akhirnya dapet agak tengah gt dan kedua dari depan gt, jadi didepan kita ada orang lagi gt. kl nadira sm kak alle kaya dipinggir gt tp paling depan.

trs kan orang depannya dinda kayak bau gt dan tinggi bgt, trs kita kata2in gt hahaha. "dell lu tinggi dibelakang dong!!!!" dgn maksud menyindir orang didepan ahhaha.

skip skip skip - akhirnya JOHN keluar! dan gw teriak kaya apa tau kaki lemes bgt aaaaa. dia pertama nyanyi Your Call gt haaaaa ternyata suaranya dia itu bener2 bagus bgt sama kaya di cd, jadi ga ada campur tangan edit mengedit suara gt, bener2 asli. trs kita nyanyi2 gt kenceng bgt sampe suara jadi aneh gt haha. dan orang2 belakang sebel gt kita teriak2 haha bodo amat deh. pokonya selama dia nyanyi itu kita yg teriakannya paling wow gt hahaha maaf ya. sampe orang di depan kita ngasih tempat gt, soalnya dia tau kali kita afal semua lagunya dan ngefans bgt sampe akhirnya ngasih tempat ---> PALING DEPAN DAN TENGAH. ya orang itu jg sebenernya cm nungguin mr.big -_-

pokonya selama dia nyanyi itu kita gila bgt parah. lagu yg dinyanyiin itu Your Call, Maybe, A Twist In My Story, Awake, Stranger, Vulnerable, Stay Close Don't Go, Like A Knife, Fall For You, Goodbye. sama 1 lagi lagu dari album terbarunya dia, dan itu pertama kali diperdengarkan di Indonesia, gila bgt ga tuh!!! dan lo harus tau John itu baik bgt loooh gila. gila gilaaaa bisa gila. jadi kan kita bertiga paling heboh gt, teriak2 trs dibales gt sama diaaa.

John : my album is coming soon, blablabla...

John : yeah I swear

dan tau apa? dia bilang "yeah I swear" sambil kissbye ke arah kita. AAAAAH LOVE YA!

ngerti gak sih? ngerti ajalah!!! trs masa sampe istrinya atau siapa gt yg megang handycam sampe ngeshoot ke arah kita gt saking hebohnya :p

aduh bisa gila John itu ternyata ganteng loh. gw tau ya dia kl di foto2 yg sering kita liat gt emg ga ganteng, tp biasa aja gt. ternyata kl aslinyaaaa ganteng bgt. dia pake kemeja putih gt sama dasi item kan, trs keringetan gt dan ga pake daleman dan OH DAMNNNN HE'S SO HOT!

pokonya pas lagu Goodbye itu sedih abis deh huhu I'll miss you so much John Vesely, don't forget your swear to us. pas Awake jg teriak2 gt "I'M STILL AWAKE FOR YOU JOHN!!!!"

trs kan pas udahan gt, kita lewat trs ada orang blg gini "ih ini nih yg teriakannya kaya apa tau" wakakakak bodo ah ga seneng aja lu

tp sayang bgt kita ga dapet Meet and Greet nya nih huhu. sama tadinya mau ngejar ke hotel borobudur tp gajadi :'(

kalo ada lagi, pokonya gw harus nonton lagi, HARUS.

trs akhirnya kita sblm pulang ke cafenya kak alle dulu BackStage. keren deh kak cafenya ;) trs kita makan gratis gt heheee

beberapa lagu gw videoin, nanti insyaallah gw masukin youtube dan gw post sini ya. oh yaaaa gw jadi inget, pas lagi ngevideoin apa gt, kan orang didepan ngalangin gt, trs gw pegang kepalanya gt gw awas2in gt hahaha maaf ya lagian ngalangin sih!

ahhhhh i'm fall for john deh! kurang beruntung apa coba istrinya, punya suami romantis, lirik lagunya dalem, dan pinter main musik. gw jadi istrinya sih bersyukur bgt gila.

can't wait to see you again John, please come back REAL SOON, I'll miss you too much

Friday, August 7, 2009


eh gw disuruh post nih sama della wkwkw dasar ratu inggris nyuruh2 aja lu!!! haha ngga deng sebenernya gw juga lagi mau post tp gatau post apa -_-

ini aja deh, besok java rockin'land loh! dannn nanti gw pergi sama della tisha dinda nadira aya ;)
ga sabar deh pgn bgt besok, nntn secondhand serenade wuhuuuu. lusa gw ceritain ya, soalnya kl besok pasti pulang rumah malem dan capek dan tidur.

makin hari aku makin cinta loh sama 9i, kayak seru bgt gt. ohya jadi inget tadi waktu tadi pamong. bu ira seru deh kalo pamong cerita2 gt berbagi rahasia tp berhikmah haha. jadikan kita ngebahas ttg sholat gt, siapa yg full sholatnya trs bagi2 tips. nah si melinda ngasih kita tips belajar. katanya dia itu kl belajar di kamar, nyalain AC, pasti ngantuk trs langsung tidur gt dan jadinya ga belajar. trs si dimi lawak gt memperagakan orang nyalain AC, trs langsung ketiduran diatas meja kayak hipnotis gt wakakkaak gw della tisha langsung ketawa gt, trs orang lain udah pada diem kita ketawa lama gt abis lucu bgt, kebayang ga orang kan biasanya hipnotis itu diapain gt trs tidur lgsg pingsan, ini mlh nyalain AC langsung tidur kehipnotis wkwkw lucu juga. trs gaya ngomongnya si hifzhan mengocok perut juga, sok asik ya asik.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Twist In My Story

Slow down, the world isn't watching us break down
It's safe to say we are alone now, we're alone now
Not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver
I'm counting the seconds until you break the silence
So please just break the silence

The whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

And I'm longing, for words to describe how I'm feeling
I'm feeling inspired
My world just flip turned upside down
It turns around, say what's that sound
It's my heart beat, it's getting much louder
My heart beat, is stronger than ever
I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive

My whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
That's what you get
When you see your life in someone else's eyes
That's what you get, that's what you get

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you
This world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

About 9i

tiba tiba pgn ngebahas 9i deh, mulai suka bgt nih sm 9i.

yaaa jadi 9i itu ada bella della dinda tisha vina nadira utari dea ralda ira dita melinda iqbal dimi gilang ryan hifzhan fathur. eh satu lagi siapa!!!! maaf maaf maaaaf bgt 1 lagi siapa sih, 9i bukannya 19 orang? (eh ini warnanya sok merah kuning ijo biru gt deh)

9i setiap hari itu selalu menghibur bgt deh. setiap hari ngedengerin utari vina dinda nyanyi (dan itu enak bgt dengerin mereka nyanyi), trs ngata2in gilang homo sama dimi hahaha seru bgt loh, trs nyontek2an, apalagi pas agama kemaren ya wkwk seru abis dan gw baru tau ya dimi itu gila bgt.

jadi kan kemaren ada formatif agama gt ya, trs gw bawa kertas lk, trs dibawa gt sama dinda ditaro di meja nya terang2an gt dan bu hulai ga ngeliat :p trs kita kaya nyontek2 gt yaAllah ampunilah dosa dosa kami. trs kan bu hulai dateng kan ke tempatnya dinda soalnya dinda nanya gt ke bu hulai, pdhl jelas2 ada kertas lk di meja dinda ga ditutupin gt dan bu hulai ga nyadar wakakak. trs kan dinda mau ke toilet gt kan trs dimi ngebanyol gt "din ini (kertas lk) ga dibawa?" huhauahauha bener2 gila dimi tuh.

ohya bagi yg blm tau, fathur itu diem suaranya doang loh. dia ternyata diem2 suka nyontek hahahahah masa kan td lk disebelah gw fathur, trs dia kaya nyontek2 gt wkwkw.

aaaaaaa pokonya i love 9i bgt!

ohya congrats ya ralda-kak lathif!!!! Baru jadian loh:)))

*edited; maaf diatas kurang BACIL.


I'm Tired, Damn It.

so many topics i want to write here but i'm very very tired guys, sorry. i'll write the points aja ya -__-
capek ya udah mulai pemantapan tiap hari nyampe rumah jam 5 dan les, dan ngantuuuuk bgt.

1. masa post bulan July dikit bgt deh, kalo kata Keylan "8 viewers, SO NOT COOL!"

2. beberapa hari yg lalu gw baca koran poskota, ngga baca sih, cm liat judul yg gedenya aja. mau tau apa judulnya yg dicetak gede bgt itu? "FILM HORROR SEKS MERAJALELA". bener juga sih, film horror indonesia jaman skrg banyak ga benernya, hantunya seksi seksi, kayak si Dewi Persik sama Julia Perez -___-

3. Mbah Surip meninggal, dan pas gw buka twitter, Mbah Surip jadi trending topics nomer satu, mantab tho.

4. hari Sabtu besok gw, della, dinda, tisha, nadira, aya, mau nonton Java Rockin' Land looooh. kita mau nonton Secondhand Serenade nya gt hehe. tp masa sayang bgt deh yg giliran Secondhand itu adanya jam setengah 9, dan cuma 1 jam, huuuu we want more!!!!

ah sebenernya masih banyaaaak bgt yg mau gw bahas ya tapi sayang sekali cuy the time is up, gw harus mandi abis les nih byeee xoxo

nb: post gw akhir2 ini ga penting ya huh. dan maaf ya yg gw ajakin tukeran link tp blm di bales di chatboxnya, gw lagi mikirin url blog yg baru, nanti kl udah ganti langsung gw bales ya biar ga repot 2x gt ;)

Greetings, human.

You: hey
Stranger: Hello, are you human from Earth?
You: No, I'm from a little planet name Gorzon (hahaha ngasal abis)
Stranger: We like Gorzon
Stranger: I mean meat from Gorzon is tasty
You: Oh so there's a meat name Gorzon in Earth? WTF

Muslim from Turkey

Stranger: indonesia are muslim
Stranger: i think so isnt it ?
You: yes i'm haha
Stranger: allahu ekber :D
You: ah so you too?
Stranger: esselamun aleikum
You: wa'alaikum salam :D
Stranger: :)
Stranger: good
You: whats your name?
Stranger: my name is onur
You: onur?
Stranger: not traditional one
Stranger: like ahmet mehmet mohammed
Stranger: yep
You: hmmm wait a second, i think i've already know you, from omegle too
Stranger: means honour
You: whats your msn?
You: maybe its the same haha
Stranger: i have never met a indonesian girl in here
Stranger: no
You: ooh my bad haha

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Angkatan 6 itu angkatan yang terkompak"
-Ibu Ulies, Kepala Sekolah SMP An-Nisaa'

I lost my mood

tadinya gw mood bgt mau ngepost di blog, soalnya udah lama bgt ya skrg gw jaraaaaang bgt ngepost di blog huh :(

i just wanna tell ya something, aku lagi jatuh cinta nih, mau tau sama siapa? 9i~~~~

not in the moooood, i'm tired, i wanna go to sleep as soon as possible.


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