Monday, June 15, 2009


gw baru baca di blognya Della, jadi di omegle itu kita chat sama orang yang ga dikenal sama sekali, dari berbagai penjuru dunia, hahaha. ini seru deh, gw pertama kalinya dapet chat sama orang France, tp gw boong umur gw 16th hahaha abis takut gt sih, jadi ini deh chat pertama gw di omegle, haa its fun you know! ini orangnya baik bgttt deh jadi merasa bersalah nih aku bohong haha

Stranger: yep !
You: hi :D
Stranger: :D !!
Stranger: are you happy ? :D
You: uh, yes
You: haha
You: where are you from?
Stranger: France and you ?
You: oh im from indonesia
Stranger: Coool =O !!
Stranger: what time is it ?
You: its 4.40 pm
You: what time is it in france?
Stranger: 11:39 Am ¨¨
You: ow
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 17 boy :)
You: im 16 girl
Stranger: cool and what's your name ?
You: bella, you?
Stranger: Ayoub ^^
You: oh nice to know you ayoub :)
Stranger: yeahh me too ^^
Stranger: What do you doing ? :D
You: chat with my friend, you?
Stranger: chat with you and see video to my concert ^^
You: concert?
You: can i see the video?
Stranger: yeahh i've make concert saturday
Stranger: wait ;)
You: are you in a band?
Stranger: yep :)
You: oh cool :D
Stranger: look i'm behind pianist and i play solo and electric guitar ^^
You: ok
Stranger: when is finish say me ;)
You: oh cool
Stranger: ?
Stranger: what's cool ?
Stranger: ahhh vids okay xD
You: yes ahaha
Stranger: ohh yeahhh thanks ^^
Stranger: and you are you musician ? :D
You: um no im not
You: but i like playing guitar
Stranger: arf ^^"
Stranger: yeapp it's very good instrument :))
Stranger: you plkay guitar at the beach with your friend xD
You: yeah sounds fun
Stranger: yeahh ^^
You: um ayoub i gotta go
You: nice to know you once again hehehe
Stranger: euhh =(
Stranger: okay :))
You: byee
You: :)
Stranger: bye i hope ^^

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